Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MORE Evidence

Popular youtube makeup gurus/sisters "Blair" and "Elle" are loved by many fans old and young.

But they're lying to all of them.

Neither have told us their real names. Yes, I too was a huge fan at first, aspiring to be exactly like them. Then I found out their whole image was false.

Some of this information is already widely been seen, but if it has an asterisk (*) infront of it, it's not been widely seen.

It's not even that they lied about they're names; yes, that may be a decent idea for safety, but they have threated to sue people who bring this to their attention:



Here's a picture of "Liselle" holding up a picture with a name scribbled at the top:


Here is the sight of their dad's business. Read about his information to find that he has three daughters named Lisa, Elizabeth, and Emily. It also clues us in that he is a pilot as well, which Blairizabeth has mentioned in her room tour video. Dad's site:


Here's an interview "Blairizabeth" did with a newspaper:


* This clues us in to what school she attended. Check the "Famous Alumni" on the school's wikipedia page:


* The girls aren't bad people - I know that for a fact. But here are results for a 3k walk in their home town. Type CTRL+F and type in their REAL names:


We're also all suspicious that they're getting paid for videos and even have agents. Read this article about it:


Also, Liselle attends college in Miama, Ohio:

Do you trust these girls to give you makeup advice? Would you let a liar lead you to buy specific products? I don't think so, so unsubsribe and tell your friends to, too.